Today was the culmination. Graduation. Despite the ill-fated logistics of the traditional graduation cap, the day was fantastic. My parents were in town and David was up bright and early to make the ceremony! While graduation was such a huge accomplishment, I can't help but say my attention was split between the ceremonies and my new dog, Frito. As a graduation gift, David and I went to the LA North Central Animal Shelter and found a little buddy. He was right on display in the front of the shelter. Immediately, I wanted to get him but upon request, I walked around the entire pound to see if there were any other dogs who struck my fancy. The walk was brief and led me straight back to the location where my Frito was initially seen. After playing with him for a few minutes, it became clear that he would be the one to take home. Take a peek. Don't fret about his lampshade. He went in for a routine neuter and needed to refrain from pulling out his stitches. he is doing great!