Well, it can never be too soon to be thinking about Halloween. I always think about it. Thinking however doesn't equate to doing though in my world. Typically, lack of finances or procrastination impact my ability to attend a party in costume. I did go out a la Charlie, from LOST, a couple years back. Despite what I thought to be a spot on costume I was mistaken for both dressing up as Kurt Cobain as well as a homeless person. C'est la vie. This year who knows what will be in store. I have feeling that where ever I end up, I will run into at least two Antoine Dodsons and possibly a Steven Slater. If only I could find this costume: If I could, I'd be a contender for best costume of the night!
....yes. I know. I have been M.I.A. in the blogger world due to my growing presence in the working world. These past two weeks have been intense, amazing, stressful, exciting and about a million other adjectives that at this particular moment, I am just too tired to put down in words. A brief re-cap in list form:
1) Naps have become an almost daily event. Especially around 5:30 P.M. 2) Despite said napping, I have found myself going to bed around 10:30P.M. 3)Even with napping and early bed time, I am still tired when the alarm goes off at 6:10A.M. 4) However, after morning coffee, which I am now making at home, I find myself somewhat alert for my 35 to 40 minute commute across Los Angeles. 5) A caseload of 18 students keeps your week moving quickly at work. 7) A swift moving work week is a fantastic thing. 8) A swift moving work week does not however mean a swift commute home. 9) Driving home in Los Angeles is not fun. 10) First paycheck tomorrow. First decent size chunk of change to be earned in over 2 years. 11) I had my first I.E.P. today as a related service provider rather than a teacher. Went smoothly. 12) Being an art therapist is a pretty great job! 13) The movie Machete was pretty much the best movie I have seen this year so far: