With speak of new workouts, I should give a shout out to the Los Feliz Flyers Running Group. I decided to be adventurous and join a group that both suited my running needs and more importantly, crazy schedule. The Flyers have a 2 hour run at the Caltech track each Wednesday night starting at 6:30. The first 30 minutes are for the runner to do 2 or so easy miles on the track and then at 7 , the club breaks off into groups to do more structured runs focused on improving speed, technique etc. For the first workout, we did what was called a 23232. Two laps, rest. 3 laps rest then two laps...you get the idea. Having a coach call your splits really hit home how fast I used to be! The group rocks and I am really glad I took a risk and went solo to the run.
The downside is that the track workout coupled with an increase in both Spin and Yoga has taken a toll.....on my right rotator cuff. Thursday's hellish commute home on Interstate 10 was amplified by the fact that I all of a sudden had a decrease in mobility in my right arm. When I got home, I realized that the mobility loss was also accompanied by shooting pain which unfortunately got worse overnight. A trip to Kaiser on Friday diagnosed me with an inflammation in the cuff and sent me home with a both prescription for Advil as well as a runners worst nightmare.....rest. I will be starting physical therapy in the next week. An evaluation with the sports medicine doctor is also in order. I can jog lightly, but no overhead activity (Spin, Yoga) for a couple weeks. Argh.
And when to schedule these new and temporarily routine appointments? I need to do some serious schedule changes pronto......
Keep you posted.