Ohhhhhh......The befores and afters of pregnancy weight gain. The bodily changes are really such a strange thing. Seriously. Up until October, I was training with the LA Roadrunners for the Marathon and I obviously did not run this past March. For various reasons (which I will not get into detail in this post) I did not realize I was pregnant until about 8 weeks into the game. Around what I now estimate to be about 5 weeks into the pregnancy, I was still running a considerable amount. The second week of October I vividly remember a 10 miler through the streets of Santa Monica and Venice in a soft drizzle. It is funny to think back and realize that I was running the little one around unknowingly. Shortly after that, my energy went from good to slim to absolutely none which was a huge red flag that something was amiss. Once I found out that it was pregnancy and not anemia, chronic fatigue or some other energy sucking illness I made the decision to stop training based on some suggestions from the doctor. It wasn't too difficult a decision as I got very sick soon after with a respiratory infection and then really had zero energy.
Here begins the weight shifts. I started off the pregnancy at around 144. I assume some of that was muscle from running pretty consistently all year. I had a couple half marathons under my belt as well as a handful of 5 and 10ks. When the running stopped in the first trimester (combined with the illness and lack of food intake) I dropped down to 135.
In a matter of 5 months, I am now up to 174. It is strange to have gained so much even though I know it is pretty par for the course. It is not so much the number of pounds that I am preoccupied with but rather how much physically my body has changed and the limitations that coincide. It is hard to think back to being able to breeze through 13 miles enjoyably when today I struggled to make it across one side of my work building to the other. I cringe when I have to leave the office and waddle my way to do one of my many daily responsibilities. And dont get me started about taking off my boots, picking up a dropped pencil or getting into the boxes under my office desk!
I know that many runners continue throughout pregnancy but this wasn't the case for me. When I finally got some energy back to be able to run (probably around the 5 month mark), I found that each step I took while running made me one step closer to needing a restroom! It just was not comfortable. I did a couple 2 milers, and then my body just said "no more!" I had to listen to my body and agree to this running hiatus.
At my work shower in the beginning of May. 8 months and a week or so. |
December 2012 in AZ with my friends. Holding my Frito! A little over 3 months pregnant. |
If all goes well, I will be delivering a healthy baby girl in 2 weeks. I am thrilled and excited to meet her and begin this new journey. I would be lying if I said I was not also looking forward to gaining a bit more control of this strange new body of mine as well.......