When confronted with a bag of Hershey's miniatures, what is the rate and order in which they get eaten? Both David and I were in full agreement that the Krackels are the first to go, quickly followed by the original Hershey's. Mr. Goodbars slowly make their way next and then a bowl full of Special Darks are left behind for desperate times. However, I have been known to forego the Special Dark and take a trip to the mini-mart instead in search of something else. Preferably a Reeses Cup.
A combination of laziness and business prevented me from uploading this picture sooner:
When Cindy and I took a trip up to Prescott, AZ, I scored this at an odd little garage sale. Literally, a free-standing garage had been rented out and about 4 guys set up shot inside selling some of the coolest antiques I have seen to date. Amazing turquoise pieces, old military helmets, vintage pornographic images for stereoscopic viewers and the painting. I picked up the painting, in frame, for 15 dollars. This quirky, odd yet striking piece would have set me back about 85 to 100 bucks here in Los Angeles. I can't wait to put it up!
Seeing as how the thesis is pretty much completed, I decided to join David on a work trip this weekend: Each trip I have taken over the past two years prior to this point has been infiltrated in some way shape or form by pending assignments. Tuesday was a hallmark date for me as I completed my final presentation in my Ethics class as well as getting my thesis pretty much approved. Basically, what that means is aside from attending class the next two weeks, graduate school is finished! As a personal hurrah, we ended up going to Palm Desert late Thursday night for a 3 day sun fest. Well, I went for a three day sun fest. David was working on Friday filming LCD Soundsystem at Coachella for his documentary, so Friday was all mine. It was spent primarily by the pool drinking Daquiris. My evening consisted of lounging on one of the most comfortable beds to date watching some movies, most notably 'My Best Friend's Wedding'. I don't know why, but I will always be a sucker for the "Say a Little Prayer" dinner sing-a-long:
Saturday was even better. Fantastic poolside brunch followed by a trip to the Wheel Inn, home of the dinosaurs featured in Pee-Wee's Big Adventure. No looming assignments. Just the sun overhead....... P.S. Graduation....you will be mine.
After finishing work on my paper yesterday afternoon, I set up a much needed date with the couch. A couch in front of a television well equipped with a myriad of cable channels. In addition to the hundreds of channels, the television was also blessed with HBO On Demand. For those who may not be familiar, the HBO On Demand hosts a selection of movies and series for your viewing pleasure at the touch of a button. While browsing the queue, I saw that How To Make it in America was an option. I had briefly seen snippets of the show, but never had the time or interest to seek it out. Seeing as how the entire first season was comprised of 8 episodes at roughly 25 minutes each, I decided to give them a go.
I have to say, I am glad that I did. The show was pretty good. Good enough to have me running late to my late evening plans. Keep an eye out for the show. If you don't have cable, then Netflix will be your best friend.
It has been some time since I have made a substantial post here. With graduation looming, I haven't been in blogger mode. A more apt description would be that I have been in research mode. Hopefully, the work I did this morning will be the the last in a bout of edits, but only time will tell. With the paper aside until my next meeting with my professor, I decided that a post is in order. Here are some images that coincide with some things I have come across the past two weeks: