Or shall I say, 'Wish List' as none of these products are in my possession. The Pureology conditioner I first sampled at my salon, The Beauty Box, in Echo Park. Fantastic stuff. Apparently, the line is Vegan. While I am not a Vegan, I know that the fact can be a high selling point for some.
The Fresh Cannabis perfume is probably the number one want of mine right now. However, at 75.00 a bottle, I need to wait a couple of more paychecks til I can afford a splurge. My logic here is that I currently have three perfumes in my current rotation so I technically don't need a fourth. Hence assigning the Cannabis scent a want status. The perfume I believe was initially marketed as a unisex scent. However, I think that somehow it has crossed over into men's territory. Doesn't change the fact that it smells divine.
Karma Kream just may be my next product purchase. Great smell...although may be a bit hippie for some. Great texture. Super luscious. I am thinking I should run to LUSH this instant to grab a jar.
The newest television franchise to get my attention is Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior. Watching Criminal MInds re-runs on ION and A&E has become a pretty regular event in my evening routine as of late so imagine my surprise when I hear of a new, celebrity packed version of my new favorite crime show. Don't get me wrong, I love my original BAU team as much as the next fan, but Forest Whitaker and Janeane Garafalo? For that, I will forgive the show for the cheesy song used in the outro of the video premiere! The show is scheduled to debut on CBS on February 16 at 10....directly after the original Criminal Minds at 9.
There are times walking through Elysian Park where one may go a significant distance before running into a fellow jogger/dog walker/picnic-er. Typically these times are during the day when most folk are working. Seeing as how I too am one of the 9 to 5-ers, or 7:30 to 4-ers to be exact, it is rare that I have the chance to experience an empty park. However, that doesn't prevent me from noting and enjoying my favorite signs of human activity in the park:
Today was my fourth consecutive day working out on the cross trainer at the DTLA YMCA. I decided to step it up a notch today and while I utilized the 'Hill Plus' setting as usual, the setting was elevated to level 14. I managed to complete the workout in one piece, but only with the assist of some energetic songs. Here are a few of the highlights: ( And PS...if you are reading this from the Facebook feed, the videos will not show....hit 'view original post' if you want the accompaniment........)
Maximum Balloon-Groove Me
Maximum Balloon has been on heavy rotation with me in the past few months. Good driving music. Good work out music. Good I need-a-mid-day-perk-music. I have to admit, I am not the biggest TV on the Radio fan, but Dave Sitek's music on Maximum Balloon is top notch.
School of Seven Bells- I L U
What can I say about School of Seven Bells. Oh yeah....I was at FYF fest ALL DAY waiting in anticipation to see them and due to the heat and the dust and the lack of accessible and affordable water decided to up and leave and take a cab home. While I regret not seeing them play, I stand by my decision to leave the fest (and also to avoid outdoor music festivals in general from here on out). This song seriously rocks though.
Hot Chip- Ready for the Floor
This song has a certain level of energy that has me hitting my back button on the iPod after it ends. The main video does not provide an enabling code, so here is a live version:
R. Kelly- I'm a Flirt
Please just hang in there during the 40 second intro to this video. Yes. I really do like this song. Catchy as all get up. And plus what better way to learn how the players do it in the Chi:
and I snapped some pics of Nick, you see: Aside from watching Nick use his nifty ball in basket toy, we spent the day musing possible artistic creations we could do. There was walking, talking and purchasing of recently discounted art supplies at Lyon. Meatball sandwiches were eaten. I was briefly schooled in some amusing photoshop techniques. An episode of Louie was watched. I have to say, it was a good day. (And yes I really did just end this post with a second 90's rap reference).
Today we headed out for an exceptionally late lunch 'round 4:00PM. David had been talking about the Nam Thai Catering Truck for a couple of days so we decided to venture out today. The truck, unlike its more gourmet brothers and sisters, is nothing fancy from the outside. It dons no graphics designed by a recent Otis grad. It does not attempt to invent new cuisine by meshing foods from two unrelated cultures together. It does however, serve up some delicious Banh-mi sandwiches on the crispiest of baguettes. I can vouch for the BBQ Beef or Chicken. And for about 2.50 a pop, you really have no excuse......
For New Years Eve, David and I had our friend Jonathan over to make Coq Au Vin, our selected recipe from the All About Braising book that I gave him for Christmas. Along with the book, we also used the new Le Creuset French Oven that accompanied the book to make the gift one step closer to a full meal! During a hectic New Year's Eve day, we made several stops throughout the greater LA area to get the ingredients for the recipe. We checked out a Loz Feliz butcher called McCalls to pick up the chicken. Due the the slew of last minute meat shoppers, the shop was too busy to butcher the chicken leaving the task to us. We made a couple more stops to get the rest of the items and headed home to prep for cooking.
Jonathan arrived promptly around 7 and after watching a YouTube clip about butchering a chicken:
we, or shall I say, David and Jonathan, accepted the challenge of taking apart the bird. For a first attempt, the bird, while left on the cutting board looking like a victim of a massacre, a majority of the meat was gotten off in decent portions. I lead the vegetable and herb chopping, David the dredging, and Jonathan was the master of the stovetop. About an hour and a half into prep (cooking the bacon, cutting the carrots, onions, parsley, thyme and dredging and browning the chicken) our other friends came by for a beer before they set off for their final destination for the evening. The presence of the new folks brought a new energy to the kitchen. A few beers later, the mashed potatoes were cooking and the French Oven was almost ready to be pulled out of the oven. The table was prepared and finally, around 10 PM, we sat down to eat out masterpiece. The verdict was unanimous....the meal was wonderful and worth the wait. Mushrooms on the chopping block. 3/4 a pound of them to be exact.