This past Thursday marks an 18 day hiatus from work. Wednesday was the last day of the 2010-2011 school year. While most students get the summer off, due to the nature of our school, we have a summer school that roughly 75% of the students will attend. However, that program will not begin until July 11th, leaving me with an immense amount of time and a severely limited cash flow.
Knowing that I would be doing some tighter-than-usual-budgeting, I headed to the library yesterday to select a couple books. At home I have 'Tattoos on the Heart', a book by Homeboy Industries Father Greg Boyle and a copy of 'Freedom' by Jonathan Franzen. Realizing that the books may be completed sooner rather than later, I felt it necessary to get some extras on deck. I found a copy of 'The Mystic Arts of Erasing all Signs of Death' on the new book shelf at the Edendale Branch. Sure, this isn't like 2011 new, but new enough (and available without requiring a request and hold) to instill inside me a fond feeling of right-time-right-place. In fact, I started in immediately yesterday and now at just about page 100, am really jazzed about the selection. In a nutshell, the book follows Web, a slacker of sorts who after being threatened of being cut off financially from his buddy (with whom he has been mooching off of), gets roped into the business of cleaning up death scenes. Kind of a Sunshine Cleaning feel, but edgier. I'll keep you posted. It is a bit more dialogue heavy than I prefer, but the dialogue is pretty catchy and has sucked me in.

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