Sunday evening, an exchange of texts took place between David and some of our friends that all shared one theme: an ambivalent feeling towards solidifying any Fourth of July plans. David and I had toyed with the idea of having a BBQ but due to lack of energy and motivation, pulled the plug on the idea last week. However, somewhere in
the midst of this text exchange, the BBQ idea was re-born. The two of us high tailed it to Whole Foods to pick up some food before they closed at 10. In hindsight, I am very glad we did as this BBQ will most likely be our last hurrah at our Echo Park home.
Even Frito got in on the action. Who knew that a Chihuahua would have such a craving for grilled veggies? All in all, the impromptu-que ended up being a great time. We look forward to having a proper, more planned out celebration at our new place after we get settled in.