Immediately after checking in, David and I, having not eaten all day, hit the streets to find some slices. After eating some official NYC pizza, I took some time to snap some shots in our area.
Thursday evening found us dining with David's friends Max and Ariane at a little Mexican restaurant called La Esquina. Being from both LA and Phoenix (aka the land of the worlds best Mexican food), we were hesitant to do Mexican in NYC. However, we were persuaded fairly easily to go and both enjoyed our food and the amazing atmosphere. After such a long day, we walked home through Little Italy and called it a night around 11PM.
The next morning found me wishing I had my camera with me. The reason I did not? I laced up the Asics and hit the streets by foot to experience the finest city running any zip code could offer. On foot, I travelled almost 7 miles that took me through the lower eastside, by the Hudson, into the city's civic center and eventually onto the Brooklyn Bridge. Incredible! Running up to the arches of the bridge was one of the highlights of the trip for me. And the desire for my camera? This hit when I came across several padlocks latched on to the bridge's arches in clusters. After close inspection, I saw that there were lover's inscriptions on the locks and through the internet, learned that the keys had been ritually thrown into the river.
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