Aside from posting some pictures of holiday fun, I really haven't written much on here lately. The primary reason news has been absent from the site is because its real life feed has been running on extreme. From end of year business at not one but two jobs, coming down with a 24 hour bug, travelling, engagement and wedding planning, running a PR at the
Christmas Run to well, assembling everyday nuts and bolts.
I have a tiny window of time before the New Year to take care of housekeeping tasks such as dismantling the christmas tree as well as larger scale things such as securing a date and location for a June wedding. As I waded into the shallow end of the waters of the wedding world, I quickly realized that I am behind a pack of swimmers who have already perfected their front stroke. Venues are booked months in advance at some places....and when I say months, perhaps I should upgrade the unit of measurement to years to illustrate the point. However, it is what it is and I am ready to make the most of it and have fun while doing so.
I start back part time coaching with The Help Group tomorrow and then back to full time at the school on Tuesday. Once Tuesday hits it will be go-go-go for the next 6 months. No joke.
Despite all the hullabaloo, I still am planning on keeping at my running. Christmas Day, I ran around Black Mountain in Cave Creek Arizona for a 9 mile trail/hill terrain workout. Prior to that, the big running news was that I ran the Venice Christmas Run and averaged a 8:16 pace for a 10K PR of 51: 16. Boom! Could not believe it! I just returned from the track workout at Caltech and left feeling positive about the workout despite having tummy pains due to a spicy Mexican lunch. Up on deck is the
13.1 Half on January 15th. We shall see how this goes.......
PS....Check out the cute design on the Christmas Run shirts: