broadcasting from the san gabriel valley

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Update: New gear, new injuries, new frustration.....

Lets start with the good: I picked up a cute Asics running bag at A Runner's Circle. Going to workouts at places that originate elsewhere than my home require carrying gear. My cute totes, while stylish, just don't cut the mustard as most of them are sans zippers. I had checked out a couple places, both in person and on-line and realized that the Asics bag was the way to go. Size wise, durability and price. Sure, the North Face duffles were kind of the best, but I could use the 50 price difference to do something buy more vinyl (more on that later). And more importantly, Asics has for me, proven to be the best running shoe out on the market. For that, I will gladly carry a bag that dons the mark of the brand.
With speak of new workouts, I should give a shout out to the Los Feliz Flyers Running Group. I decided to be adventurous and join a group that both suited my running needs and more importantly, crazy schedule. The Flyers have a 2 hour run at the Caltech track each Wednesday night starting at 6:30. The first 30 minutes are for the runner to do 2 or so easy miles on the track and then at 7 , the club breaks off into groups to do more structured runs focused on improving speed, technique etc. For the first workout, we did what was called a 23232. Two laps, rest. 3 laps rest then two get the idea. Having a coach call your splits really hit home how fast I used to be! The group rocks and I am really glad I took a risk and went solo to the run.

The downside is that the track workout coupled with an increase in both Spin and Yoga has taken a toll.....on my right rotator cuff. Thursday's hellish commute home on Interstate 10 was amplified by the fact that I all of a sudden had a decrease in mobility in my right arm. When I got home, I realized that the mobility loss was also accompanied by shooting pain which unfortunately got worse overnight. A trip to Kaiser on Friday diagnosed me with an inflammation in the cuff and sent me home with a both prescription for Advil as well as a runners worst I will be starting physical therapy in the next week. An evaluation with the sports medicine doctor is also in order. I can jog lightly, but no overhead activity (Spin, Yoga) for a couple weeks. Argh.

And when to schedule these new and temporarily routine appointments? I need to do some serious schedule changes pronto......

Keep you posted.

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