I have been on a hunt for magazines. Old magazines. As an up and coming art therapist, I have learned that collage is an excellent medium to use in working with clients. However, to adequately use collage, it requires that you have a substantial amount of images for the client to select from. Sounds easy enough, right? However, I am working with groups. Multiply that one client and the needed images for them times 12. Times 4 groups a week and you end up with a shitload of images as the product. So on my quest for magazines, I have been grazing in pastures of recycling bins and thrift stores. On one particular visit to the Jewish Women's Council Thrift Shop on Venice, I found the gem of all gems. And it had NOTHING to do with the great magazine hunt of 2009. While looking on a table full of kitschy delights I saw it.....quite possibly the greatest thrift score of 2009 (yes, yes, i know it is early on, but bear with me....i was so stoked on this find!!!): Ahhhh. A perfect addition to my collection of bullfighting delights. A matador marionette. Not only is it amazing, but I got this little guy for 10 bucks. A whopping 2 dollars minus the asking price of 12. Go me! Made my weekend.
Also, saw the Ravonettes (awesome), ate at a new brunch place called Dusty's (delicious) and started taking this working out notion a bit more seriously by doing Tae Bo this evening (painful).
I want to know when it became commonplace to photograph individuals that you encounter on a one night stand? I must admit, I am not well-versed in the game but I can say that if I were to do so, I would seriously object to having my picture taken in any form. What if your one night partner in crime were a sociopath? The "what-ifs" are infinite. Hence the reason I refrain from such activities I suppose.
But more importantly, the pictures. These poor fools were not the wiser in allowing themselves to be digitally captured:
So this is funny. About a year or so ago, Nathaniel and I were reminiscing about the days of yore and the topic of childhood came up. Nothing odd. Just the usual. Talk of books like "A Wrinkle in Time", "Ten Kids, No Pets" the usual. However, the conversation turned from books to cartoons to movies.....and with that transition, one movie in particular, THE PEANUT BUTTER SOLUTION. Let me place in the trailer for your viewing pleasure if you are not familiar with this gem:
A heart warming comedy right? WRONG. What they neglect to delve into in the preview is the subsequent kidnapping that takes place because thieves want to farm poor Micheal's perpetually growing hair into paint brushes. Yes. Paintbrushes. He is locked away and his hair becomes the tool for the great painting masters of the time. It is not comedic in the least. The reason for the recent discussion of the Peanut Butter Solution is because the Cinefamily is doing a "HolyFuckingShit: Messed Up Kids Movies" for the month on January. And what is on the bill? You guessed it. Some movie about peanut butter. Does that say something? Of ALL the kids movies in the past 40 years, this one gets placed on the bill. If you aren't doing anything next Saturday night and are in the Los Angeles area go to the Silent Movie Theater and check it out.
Something more distressing though is this: Unfortunately, I will be out of town when this ray of sunshine plays there. However, after reading the synopsis I was so disturbed that I had to go online to find out more. Basically, this kid gets lost in the desert after his plane crashes. He gets stung by scorpions, his dog gets murdered by natives and he gets nearly attacked by cobras. And yes....this was a children's film. After reading testimonial after testimonial, I became obsessed with wanting to see this. People who saw this film in the 70's as children are still haunted by the shocking themes and imagery......
you see. this is what happens when i have too much time on my hands. initially,i was engaging in an activity of merit: watching the news. a story came on that showcased a young woman who was attacked by a potential cragslist suitor. so, you know me. i went on to craigslist and started perusing the offending posts. then i came across this:
when you open the post, it says:
want to take woman shopping for sexy underwear. nothing more.
i spat out cherry coke all over the futon. this post made my day. ross? i didn't realize that they were such fine purveyors of sexy thongs........
so, did anyone see the new american apparel ads? the glasses and intimates ad? way to go and commandeer my fetish like that. yes. i have a thing for glasses. i suppose this could be a direct link to intelligence. i find smart totally hot. like watching guys solve mathematical equations at length in their undies. total turn on. perhaps the admiration stems from the fact that i can not solve said equations. but back to glasses. glasses give the illusion of smart which gives the look of hot. make sense? there was a period of time in which i felt that i did not have enough years under my belt to receive the needed respect from fellow colleagues and parents while i was teaching. the quick fix? glasses. faux ones. a hot little red pair that pushed my iq over the mensan pre-requisite.
Oh man. Hank Moody. The character that David Duchovny so brilliantly brings to life on television. Cable television that is. Precisely why there is a serious delay in my obsession. So after watching an episode of Califorication at a friends house awhile back, I was interested. After netflix-ing season one and watching 2 episodes: hooked. The past two days I meticulously hunted the internet finding episodes 1- 12 of season 2. Success. I watched them all. I came to the conclusion that this show is top notch. I also came to the conclusion that Hank Moody is 80% lover, 10% badass and 10% nuts. Oh and totally brilliant. That equates to a pretty amazing man. Too bad he is fictional.......