broadcasting from the san gabriel valley

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Childhood Memories

So this is funny. About a year or so ago, Nathaniel and I were reminiscing about the days of yore and the topic of childhood came up. Nothing odd. Just the usual. Talk of books like "A Wrinkle in Time", "Ten Kids, No Pets" the usual. However, the conversation turned from books to cartoons to movies.....and with that transition, one movie in particular, THE PEANUT BUTTER SOLUTION. Let me place in the trailer for your viewing pleasure if you are not familiar with this gem:

A heart warming comedy right? WRONG. What they neglect to delve into in the preview is the subsequent kidnapping that takes place because thieves want to farm poor Micheal's perpetually growing hair into paint brushes. Yes. Paintbrushes. He is locked away and his hair becomes the tool for the great painting masters of the time. It is not comedic in the least. The reason for the recent discussion of the Peanut Butter Solution is because the Cinefamily is doing a "HolyFuckingShit: Messed Up Kids Movies" for the month on January. And what is on the bill? You guessed it. Some movie about peanut butter. Does that say something? Of ALL the kids movies in the past 40 years, this one gets placed on the bill. If you aren't doing anything next Saturday night and are in the Los Angeles area go to the Silent Movie Theater and check it out.

Something more distressing though is this:

Unfortunately, I will be out of town when this ray of sunshine plays there. However, after reading the synopsis I was so disturbed that I had to go online to find out more. Basically, this kid gets lost in the desert after his plane crashes. He gets stung by scorpions, his dog gets murdered by natives and he gets nearly attacked by cobras. And yes....this was a children's film. After reading testimonial after testimonial, I became obsessed with wanting to see this. People who saw this film in the 70's as children are still haunted by the shocking themes and imagery......

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