I have been on a hunt for magazines. Old magazines. As an up and coming art therapist, I have learned that collage is an excellent medium to use in working with clients. However, to adequately use collage, it requires that you have a substantial amount of images for the client to select from. Sounds easy enough, right? However, I am working with groups. Multiply that one client and the needed images for them times 12. Times 4 groups a week and you end up with a shitload of images as the product. So on my quest for magazines, I have been grazing in pastures of recycling bins and thrift stores. On one particular visit to the Jewish Women's Council Thrift Shop on Venice, I found the gem of all gems. And it had NOTHING to do with the great magazine hunt of 2009. While looking on a table full of kitschy delights I saw it.....quite possibly the greatest thrift score of 2009 (yes, yes, i know it is early on, but bear with me....i was so stoked on this find!!!):

Ahhhh. A perfect addition to my collection of bullfighting delights. A matador marionette. Not only is it amazing, but I got this little guy for 10 bucks. A whopping 2 dollars minus the asking price of 12. Go me! Made my weekend.
Also, saw the Ravonettes (awesome), ate at a new brunch place called Dusty's (delicious) and started taking this working out notion a bit more seriously by doing Tae Bo this evening (painful).
RAD!!! love it.. and yes Bikini Friday sounds good. I haven't really been out so far this year really.
I wish I lived in LA.
move here!!!!! it would be so fun!
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