Rarely do things live up to the hype. I guess I have just subscribed to the "greater the hype, the greater the letdown" school of thought. I think that pessimistic attitude was what ultimately yanked me from the line at Pink's Hot Dogs last month. Well, that, and kind of not really wanting to eat a hot dog. Oh, and not moving more than 5 feet in a 30 minute time frame. And let's not forget the prospect of pizza that came up. But back to more important matters: Kogi BBQ.
Last week, my mom (who lives in Arizona and also knows my love for a good taco truck) asked me, "Have you eaten at Kogi BBQ?" I was dumbfounded. I had been asked this same question on my birthday....by friends who live here in L.A. I asked her, "Huh, what, why?" She responded that she had been reading an article in Newsweek about the genius otherwise known as Kogi. I told her that a) I have heard of the truck but b) I have not had the opportunity to eat there. I had been hearing about the "tweeting" truck for weeks now. The fact that my mom asked me about it did peak my interest a little more but also prepared me for a potential letdown.
So this past Saturday, I logged on to the Kogi BBQ Twitter page. For those who are unfamiliar with the nuts and bolts, Kogi alerts customers to its' whereabouts via "tweets" through the social phenomenon. The Twitter page informed me that the Verde truck (Kogi has two trucks, Rojo y Verde) would be in my hood at the Brig. Time to take advantage.
Long story short: waited in line about 25 minutes, ordered a Lotte Rice Punch (not so great. Should have gotten a Coke) and a Korean Short-Ribs Burrito (recommended by the chef and TOTALLY INSANELY DELICIOUS). The burrito had shortrib meat, crunchy cabbage, spicy/sweet sauce, potatoes, egg and cheese. It was a perfect size. Not too big, not too small. I was like little Goldilocks, but only I found perfection at first bite.