So, driving up to Malibu today, I decided to do a bad thing and change the station from KCRW's pledge drive. The talk was getting to be a bit much. Occasionally, during the drive, they will insert one song for every 30 minutes of banter about the station and how integral it is the the community and such. And honestly, I agree with them one hundred percent. They, hands down, play the best music of any radio station that I have come across in my days. However, being the poor graduate student that I am, pledging for a premium is something that just is not going to happen until I am employed full time after graduation. But back to the greater matter....the change of the dial. Yes. There was some guilt about it. Even though I am not pledging this time, I feel somehow obligated to continue listenership during the drive. However, while driving, I came to a point at which I needed some upbeat music to prep me for my hike. I changed to KISS FM 102.7. Jams. The dial switch immediate got me in the mood to move. As I was driving and bobbing my head in unison to the song, I grew curious as to why the kept talking about the Flintstones. I began to pay close attention to the lyrics that were being sung:
Pretty amazing if you ask me........
broadcasting from the san gabriel valley
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010

La Street Food Fest
What better a way to celebrate V-Day in L.A. than to eat at the LA Street Food Fair? Official list of participating trucks is not up yet but we do know that a mobile craft station will be on site so you can make a heart shaped paper taco to give to your honey.....or the chef at your favorite truck!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Paging Mr. P.W. Herman.......
On Friday, David, Nicki, Sonia and I had the opportunity to see Pee Wee live and on stage at Club Nokia in downtown Los Angeles. Despite the change of venue, increase in ticket prices and outrageous parking fee, an amazing time was had by all. The four of us, because we had purchased tickets when the show was originally to be held at the Fonda, were able to attend the after show meet and greet. While I had visions of snapping pics with Pee-Wee after waiting in a long line, the meet and greet turned out to be much more authentic. Pee-Wee answered questions from the audience and told stories of Prince and Michael Jackson to a group of folks who were more than captivated to see their childhood hero live and in person.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Because of Taxidermy......

........I will give New York a second chance. There seems to be many folks living in NYC who appreciate the art of stuffed animals who once lived.
But seriously.......
My relationship with New York is one that, well, could be deemed as non-existent. I have been to the city only once about four years ago. Amy and I took the Chinatown to Chinatown bus from Boston to NYC to spend the weekend. Unfortunately, our accommodations fell through while we were at a Denny's or something somewhere off of the Mass Pike. When we arrived in NYC, we were greeted with a cheerful cold that quickly became grumpier as the day wore on. Perhaps I am an idiot, but I could not figure out the subway (despite having previously navigated foreign subways in Dublin, Paris, Rome and London with ease) and the local folk were getting grouchy with us for holding the line! We ended up somewhere nowhere near Central Park...a place that we both wanted to check out. Instead, we paid top dollar for some sub-par psychic readings that put a severe damper on our day as we learned that Amy was cursed and I was to have twins. Colder, broker, and less fortunate then when we arrived, we trudged through the city and got back on the bus back to the colder yet more comfortable town of Boston.
WIth that trip, I vowed never to go back to the city and when I moved, I moved as far as humanly possible in the continental US from the Empire State. Now, four years post initial trip, I am ready give the city another go. T minus 13 days and I will be on a red eye for a weekend in NYC. Researching some things to do, I came across some cool taxidermy/vintage shops that I am really excited to go to. A Gray's Papaya hot dog will be had as well.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Langer's Deli
On the day of New Years Eve, David and I went to check out a famed downtown establishment called Langers. Apparently, critic Jonathan Gold assigned this restaurant as being the purveyor of the best pastrami sandwich ever. While David chose to partake in the most popular sandwich on the menu, I ventured into the world of French Dip sandwiches. Everything was amazing from the homey feeling of the decor to the delightful couple sitting next to us (in very close proximity, but all part of the lunch time rush charm) to the coleslaw to the sandwiches and even down to the uneaten fries. After the lunch, we got to take a gander at some interesting murals around town. Take a peek.......

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