As a follower of Murakami on Facebook, I came across this reading challenge for the new year. I have to admit, I have only read two of the author's novels, 'A Wild Sheep Chase' and 'Kafka on the Shore'. However, they were so wonderful that I found myself following the author on my social network of choice. After such a great experience with the two Murakami books I read, I decided to accept this challenge for the new year. Lucky for me, an individual who doesn't read more than 10 books per year, there are several levels of readership to consider. I am going to strive for the 'Sheep Man' level by reading 3 books. The first will be one which has been on my to-do list for some time, 'The Wind-up Bird Chronicles'. Any Murakami readers out there have any suggestions for the other two?
Traditionally, I have been a die-hard tissue wrapper when it comes to gifts. Tissue is cheap and when accessorized correctly, has an aesthetic that I love. This holiday season however, I strayed a bit from the norm. I was in Paper Source getting some (gasp!) paper goods, and I ran across this: Needless to say, all of my gifts for friends and family thus far are wrapped and on on display under my tree wearing this cute print. It was one of those rare times that I was up sold. Dogs in holiday hats though....totally worth it!
Promise that a more substantial post will come soon. As evidenced by these pictures, I have been a bit busy. Holiday cheer has infiltrated the home. In fact, Frito and I took a walk to the Echo Park Animal Alliance's 'Photos with Santa' event for our furry friends. However, while I watched in amazement for a bit at all of the excitement, ten bucks was too much for a photo. More aptly, I had a bad feeling about being one of those folks who take photos of their pets with Santa. It seemed like a gateway drug of sorts to throwing a full fledged birthday party for my four legged pal.
These pictures are a bit old. A couple months old to be exact. What got me thinking about them was the fact that as I am posting this, I am also watching Mi Vida Loca. The film has several scenes shot at Echo Park Lake. Seeing the lake on the screen somehow made me think back to one of my summer walks around the water when there was a festival going on. For whatever reason, at the festival, there were lots of birds being sold. I had intended to post them a couple of months ago and while scrolling through my photos just now, I was reminded of that intention. So, here they are:
....seriously. I have had my eye on posters like this one for quite some time. However, grad school happened. Now the majority of any expendable income I would have is going to pay back my higher education. Shouldn't complain....I would just be so amazing to have a collection of posters like this one! Maybe one day when I am no longer working in community mental health and running a thriving private practice to the stars I will be the proud owner of hundreds of these babies....only problem...then I'd hate my job........
Yes. I know. It has been another extremely long dry spell between entries here. I was just talking with Nathaniel and he too acknowledged the down time on this here blog. Lets try and rectify the situation with a fun filled post of music, apple picking and some beautiful rainy L.A. weather..... Friday was fantastic. David and I went on the date night of all date nights to the LCD/Hot Chip show at the Hollywood Bowl. David got us an extreme hook up which included a complimentary box, all access pass and VIP pass to a roof terrace party. Talk about rollin' like Kells! How often do I get to use VIP when describing any of my usual destinations! The show was great. We were walking up just as Hot Chip started their first song. The sound from the box was AWESOME!
They continued to play a killer set and ended with an audience fave, Ready for the Floor. After their set ended, we decided to go backstage to use the restroom. Major bonus! No lines and extremely clean. Do you think that Gustavo has been in here before?
After David chatted with his crew for a bit, we were all set for LCD's show to begin. We started off watching from the stage, but quickly realized that the show would look and sound better from the box. We headed back out to enjoy the rest of the set from the front. The mix of energy, misty rain and music paired up with the beauty of the bowl made for one of the best shows I have ever been to. May I add that my videos pale in comparison to David's ongoing footage of the band but alas.....professional filming at the bowl has a hefty price!!!
The night ended with a drink on the terrace with some new and amazing folks, getting to the car lonely in the lot long after the stacked parking has dissolved (apologies to the car behind us!), and a post show stop to In-and-Out for cheeseburgers. Kind of the perfect fall night. The kind that makes me glad that I live here in L.A.........
Rainy Terrace Post show image of the Bowl
And on to apples.....however, taking into consideration the amount of space/time required by the videos in this post to load, I am thinking that it may be smart to house the apple experience in a post all his own.....
Well, it can never be too soon to be thinking about Halloween. I always think about it. Thinking however doesn't equate to doing though in my world. Typically, lack of finances or procrastination impact my ability to attend a party in costume. I did go out a la Charlie, from LOST, a couple years back. Despite what I thought to be a spot on costume I was mistaken for both dressing up as Kurt Cobain as well as a homeless person. C'est la vie. This year who knows what will be in store. I have feeling that where ever I end up, I will run into at least two Antoine Dodsons and possibly a Steven Slater. If only I could find this costume: If I could, I'd be a contender for best costume of the night!
....yes. I know. I have been M.I.A. in the blogger world due to my growing presence in the working world. These past two weeks have been intense, amazing, stressful, exciting and about a million other adjectives that at this particular moment, I am just too tired to put down in words. A brief re-cap in list form:
1) Naps have become an almost daily event. Especially around 5:30 P.M. 2) Despite said napping, I have found myself going to bed around 10:30P.M. 3)Even with napping and early bed time, I am still tired when the alarm goes off at 6:10A.M. 4) However, after morning coffee, which I am now making at home, I find myself somewhat alert for my 35 to 40 minute commute across Los Angeles. 5) A caseload of 18 students keeps your week moving quickly at work. 7) A swift moving work week is a fantastic thing. 8) A swift moving work week does not however mean a swift commute home. 9) Driving home in Los Angeles is not fun. 10) First paycheck tomorrow. First decent size chunk of change to be earned in over 2 years. 11) I had my first I.E.P. today as a related service provider rather than a teacher. Went smoothly. 12) Being an art therapist is a pretty great job! 13) The movie Machete was pretty much the best movie I have seen this year so far:
I have not stepped foot into a Sephora in over 12 months. And it has been well over at least 16 months since I have made a purchase. Perhaps it was my post-migraine grouchy mood, or maybe just the fact that I will soon be joining the ranks of the employed...either I both stepped foot into a Sephora AND made a purchase.
In the world of skin care, I gave into the hyped up Ole Henriksen truth serum. It can never be too soon to fight some pesky wrinkles. While browsing some beauty sites last night, I read one positive review after another about this magic-y, citrus-y anti-aging-y serum. While an accurate assessment may be premature, I have to say I enjoyed the scent and the glow the serum left on my face.
In make-up land, I upgraded from NARS Orgasm to NARS Super Orgasm. The super seems to have a bit more pizazz. I have been a loyal patron to the original NARS Orgasm and after watching my blusher slowly run low, decided to replenish...with a kick.
I actually stayed in make-up land a bit too long and got suckered into purchasing a delicious lip color from the NARS 2010 Fall Line, Rouge Basque. I saw it and was immediately drawn to the crimson-y hue. After trying it on and declaring that yes I will be using my credit card for this purchase, I put the little black box into the little black Sephora basket on my arm.
I then went to the checkout but not without first adding some Bare Minerals to my already overpriced basket of goodies. For my troubles, I got some free samples of some Phyto Hair care products. Oh Sephora....I am glad you and I are back on good terms again.
I finally got my first roll of film developed from my newly purchased 28 mm lens. I bought the lens a couple months ago off of eBay, but hadn't dropped off the film 'til last week. I am super fond of this image of little Frito on the porch. Can't wait to go out and shoot some more!
I am going to be taking a leave of absence for the next few days. Here are a few randoms to tide you over until then: I am loving this Mayan play set. Would I buy it for kids? Yes. Would I buy it for me? Hell yes!
When reading some online articles about an old time favorite of mine, MST3K, I came across a movie poster for a film that was once narrated by a man and his team of robots. I never saw this episode, but will look into purchasing the DVD set that houses the film once work starts up.
Super Mario Brother 3 Manicure. Enough said.
And just where would we be with out a picture of Ryan Gosling? His band, Dead Man's Bones, is surprisingly great. He utilizes a children's chorus in a way that somehow fits with the mildly eerie aesthetic of the band. The band will be appearing at the FYF Fest here in Los Angeles in a couple of weeks. I am hoping to go if finances work out. If not, I will just continue to enjoy the vinyl that my good friend Kathy gave to me.
The picture above is the mess of a binder which housed all of the articles pulled from the online library guides at LMU. For an entry level researcher like myself, LMU was pretty great. The LibGuides were awesome. The research librarian, Jaimie, was a life saver. The library itself was quite comfortable. And a big plus....the first floor was open 24/7 so anytime was research time! At first, I found myself using the library building to write in. However, as the year of the project progressed, I became more and more ready to graduate and less and less excited to type up my conclusion. I had to shift gears and write on my laptop at places sans wireless internet in order to eliminate the opportunity to procrastinate by refreshing my email. The only downside to this was in addition to my laptop, I was also toting the above binder around as well as Sophie Calle's ginormous book, 'Take Care of Yourself.'
The pictures below are of the final, bound copy. I received word in early July that the little bugger was ready for me to pick up and the first day I could, I drove across town to pick him up. Due to the high cost of printing doubled with the fact that I was required to purchase a copy for the university library and another for the Art Therapy department library, I was reduced to only getting one copy for me. Well, one is enough I suppose. I wrote the damn much reminding do I need?
All in all, the research process was rewarding. I really cant believe that I designed and completed the project! But the real I want to do it again? Hmmmmm............not really. At lest not now.
Pot Luck by Emile Zola. Or Pot-Bouille for those who prefer the tile in the native language. Actually, apparently some of the sexual undertones of the title are lost in translation. A 'pot-bouille' is much more an apt description of the happenings in the French building that is the setting for the story. I am only about a hundred pages in, but the story is good so far. I still haven't been able to suss out who, if any, of these folks are genuine and nice. I will keep you posted.......
Because of the mild heat today, David and I decided to take Frito for a walk in a location that was somewhat protected from the mid-day sun. Thinking of shady places had me remembering an LAist article on Fern Dell, a tree lined path in Griffith Park. The path, while crowded on a Sunday at 2:00 in the afternoon, was a treat from the hustle and flow of the city. An even greater treat was had at the nearby Trails Cafe.......Cheddar and Chive Scones. Well, let me clarify. One Cheddar and Chive Scone. Not knowing what to expect from the outdoor cafe, we just opted for some much needed drinks and decided to split the scone. And yes...Frito did get a chance to eat some crumbs. The scones were so good that as soon as we got home, I found a recipe on Epicurious and decided to replicate the afternoon food snack for dinner. Cooking and baking has never been my forte, but these little guys turned out ok.
Cheddar Chive Scones
3 cups all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 tablespoon sugar 2 teaspoons salt 1/2 cup finely chopped fresh chives 5 oz extra-sharp Cheddar, coarsely grated (1 1/2 cups) 2 cups heavy cream plus additional for brushing
Preheat oven to 400°F. Whisk together flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt. Add chives and Cheddar, tossing to combine. Stir in cream with a fork until a sticky dough forms. Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead 8 times with floured hands. Halve dough and form each half into a 7-inch round. Brush tops of rounds with additional cream and cut each into 8 wedges. Arrange wedges about 1/2 inch apart on an ungreased large baking sheet and bake in middle of oven until golden brown, about 20 minutes. Cool on a rack.
While I do not identify as a cat person, I couldn't help but be intrigued by these pictures of wet cats. Giving a dog a bath is a relatively painless process, but a cat bath must be a different story all together. Anyone have any experience in trying to bath a cat? Is it as crazy as it looks?
The past two days Frito has taken some ripe tomatoes from the garden that have fallen from the plant. I have to admit, I have riled him up a bit first by taking the tiny tomato and then by throwing it like a ball. He ran around the yard, tomato like a tennis ball in the mouth, trying to keep the fruit away from me. I opened the door to the house and he bounced in and took refuge on the rug. I don't know why I found this so funny, but well, I did. I need to keep my eye on him outside in the yard. This dog will eat anything.
It has already been established on Modern Day Bullfight that walking is a free activity here in Los Angeles. And since Free is my current hobby, walking has been a daily activity. These walks have led me up and down stairs, to libraries, parks, downtown and back and forth on Sunset more times than I can count. Last week however, I decided to venture back downtown and add a couple of free (and extremely low cost) visits on my already free walk.
The Bradbury Building is one that I have been wanting to check out for quite some time. Having been featured on the big screen in "Blade Runner" the building has achieved an iconic status of sorts here in L.A. And guess what? There is no entry fee and patrons on the first floor are there to answer and questions AND to ensure that you don't leave the first floor. old school elevator rides for you.......
After the trip inside, we headed out across the street, through the Grand Central Market and out to the Angels Flight. The Angels Flight is a small funicular railroad that take passengers up and down Angels Bluff. Basically from the bottom of Hill to the bottom of Grand. For 25 cents ( there really no cents icon on a Mac these days?) you can ride the funicular one way. David and I, despite talking out loud about an accident with the cars a few years back in which a man was killed, decided that the train was safe and hopped on. After waiting 2 or 3 minutes, we began our ascent. The trolly rides safely and slowly on a short track next to a staircase......which is honestly, the faster yet not as historically satisfying to get from the bottom to top. After the ride was through, we paid our fee to the operator who was waiting at the top and began our walk back home.
After watching Dudamel direct the LA Phil and their performance of Carmen, I felt like watching some more visual clips of the opera before bed. This one really struck my fancy:
I hope you enjoyed the clip! I sure did. I just may watch it again before I doze off. I will post pictures of the Hollywood Bowl experience tomorrow. It was amazing with the exception of the whole 'stacked parking' thing, which as a person who had never been to the bowl, was a time consuming shock! More on that tomorrow. Google image search 'stacked parking hollywood bowl' and you may pull up photos of a sea of vehicles....most with some angry captains!
While perusing a bunch of google images after inputting the term 'vintage chihuahua', this gem came up: I leave you, reader, with that image on a Sunday night. I am off to see Gustavo Dudamel at the Hollywood Bowl. Will post about it tomorrow.....
Last Friday, Nicki and I drove down to the OC to meet Monica at the annual OC Fair. Funny thing about it was, in hindsight, I think the two of us spent more time en route on the various freeways between Los Angeles and Orange County than we did at the fair itself, but, well that is another story. The two of us headed to the fair on a very serious mission: to eat some fry and to ride the giant slide, Sadly, as I type this post, I am learning that the domain does not put you in touch with a page dedicated to glorifying the plastic behemoth. Instead, it seems as if they have failed to renew their domain name. Damn....if Euroslide cant survive this economic climate........
Well, mission was accomplished. We rode the slide and ate some food. Oh. And we threw in a round of Skee-Ball and balloon darts in for good measure. While we did not eat too much in the way of bad fair food (we did not try this "deep fried butter" advertised at the Coronary Cafe, but a deep fried Klondike was had), my poor system was unhappy with the small amount that I did force in. Bathroom troubles arose from my encounter with some of the fried mess. Lesson learned. While deep fried zuchini sounds like a good idea in is not. Enjoy!
In the midst of my "I'm-broke-and-living-in-Los-Angeles" summer, I have discovered a great find down the street from my house: Alberto's Tamales. Alberto's, a tamale shop on Temple just West of Glendale, serves up some of the best around. And for roughly 1.25 each, how can I not be morphing into a loyal patron? I have been to the tamale shop a few times and after perfection each time, bought a big order of 16 for a Sunday morning brunch at our place. While all the varieties have been delicious, I have to say my favorite so far is the chicken mole. Apparently, they can make a spinach and and cheese vegetarian option with 24 hours advance notice, but the cheese and jalapeno tamale has been not just an adequate veggie option, but a desired one thus far!
......267 of them to be exact. Walking one of many Echo Park's stairways has become a big part of my summer workout routine. This set of photos highlights my first trip up the Baxter Stairs about one month ago.