broadcasting from the san gabriel valley

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday Morning Run

Miles covered: 6.7
Terrain: asphalt, concrete and 2 miles of dirt path
Route: Angeleno Heights to Sunset, left on Parkman, north on Silverlake Blvd, curve left round the reservoir all the way back to Silverlake Blvd back to Sunset and home.

So after yesterday's workout, I completely derailed by eating way too many peanut butter filled pretzels followed by a gargantuan dinner at Carousel. Kebabs, hummus, fried cheese otherwise known as Fatayer and Fatoush Salad. Today my goal is to eat somewhat decent and refrain from stuffing my face.....which is hard because this increase in running is causing an increase in appetite!

I beefed up my iPod with some new tunes to keep me going. You see, as much as I really do love Bon Iver, For Ever Emma Forever Ago just doesn't give me the push I need to keep going. However, Bon Iver as backing vocals to Kanye West's track 'Monster'? Now that is something that is a must on the running playlist. Pop aside, this indie gem by Baltimore based band, Future Islands, really put a smile on my face as I made my way around the end of the reservior:


Judy Gloom said...

this song is also on my running playlist!

allison orphan said...

its a good one, eh? ;)