I'd just like to post a small rant about Migraines and how much they, well, suck. After running some early morning errands, I returned home round 8:30 AM ready to make some coffee in the Chemex and eat some Cocoa Krispies. Just as I stepped over the threshold, I noticed the all-too-familiar visual cues that a headache was coming on. I retired to the couch, put a head wrap on and prepared for an extended period of non-movement. While the headaches themselves are brutal, the real nuisance is the nausea that coincides. If I remain real still, I can combat the need to throw up. However, when I mean still, I am talking no adjusting to get comfortable, no turning over, absolutely no getting up to get water and no flat laying down.
Today was unusually awful. Perhaps it was a mix of heat and stress (house still in shambles after flood) and a glass of Pinot Noir on Friday...who knows. All that I do know is that I was out of commission longer than usual today....roughly 8 hours. Around 5, I began meandering around the house and by 6:30 I was ready for dinner. I did catch up on some romantic comedies (Rumor Has It and Julia and Julia), a couple episodes of Entourage as well as a teen romp on Comedy Central (Accepted). What a day!
While the migraines have subsided over the years, they do tend to come in clusters and vary in intensity. While perusing some sites this afternoon about potential triggers, I read that Frozen Yogurt was a culprit. I guess that means no more late night runs to the Yogurt Haven like I did yesterday. Boo. But who really know, I actively eat several offenders on the list (Chocolate, Avocados, Strawberries, Cheeses) and they haven't seemed to cause issues. Over the years, the only foods I can pinpoint with certainty to migraines I have had are pastrami, pepperoni, sausages and other cured deli meats, Diet Coke and too much red wine (usually I can get by with one glass).
For the most part, they still remain a mystery. An annoying and painful mystery.

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