While things may have been stressful, initially the move was as expected. We had been living in a sea of boxes at both the old and new place. After what seemed like weeks, we began to establish a sense of normalcy (sans sofa) here in Eagle Rock. Certain key players in the furniture placement game had found their home, decor slowly began making its way on the walls and in the various nooks and crannies and the house began to garner a home status.
After getting a working washer and dryer into place, we ran into some plumbing problems. At first they were minor, and then well, things upgraded to major. While things at first appeared isolated to the laundry room, the flooding of the downstairs from the toilet proved otherwise. On Thursday night into the wee hours of Friday morning, we were on bucket brigade to get the water out of the downstairs. Our trash can was like a buoy, floating up and down as we waded by each time bucket in hand. To make a long story short, our landlord rocks, flooring has been removed, there are huge dryers to air out the drywall via hundreds of hole that have been drilled for exactly that purpose and visits from contractors, plumbers and water damage experts have been taking place each day. The silver lining? Our sofa is finally arriving. That arrival will perfect the upstairs sanctuary that has been created due to our downstairs mishap!

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